Frequently asked questions


Who much does it cost???

TKE is the one of the cheapest fraternities to pledge at Virginia tech.  Our candidate fee is only 80$?

How come TKE costs so little compared to others that cost around $300 to $400?

We have what many other fraternities want and desire, a house paid for in full.  Thanks to this we don’t have to pay house fees, also we have huge parties thus helping to lower dues to a price other fraternities’ dream of! 


Will my grades be affected?             

Of course they will, but only for the better!  We have study halls for pledges and brothers where we provide free tutors for all.  Also we have koofers like you will not believe.  In spring 2000 we were ranked #1 in grades among fraternities at Virginia Tech.  Presently we have 5 brothers that have made it on the deans list, all whom will gladly tutor you to make sure you make it too.


How long is pledging?

Unlike many other fraternities at Virginia Tech that make you pledge for a semester and a half or even a year we at Tau Kappa Epsilon believe that we want you to be a brother as soon as possible thus making our new member session is less than a semester.    Meaning if we give you an offer to join in the fall you will be a brother wearing proudly the letters of TKE in that same fall semester.

The word "pledge" and all the unflattering remarks which accompany it does not exist within Tau Kappa Epsilon. The new member education program is based on a "no pledgeship and no hazing" commitment. Every fraternity will claim that they do not haze, but TKE was the first fraternity to implement a new member program that replaces senseless tasks with educational and inspirational programming. The Apollo Program is the name of Tau Kappa Epsilon's new member system. It is a eight week program which teaches new members about the history of the Greek system, the history of TKE, the history of their own chapter, and how they fit into this system. It allows young men to become young leaders through motivational and instructional programs and activities.


Why should I join a fraternity?


Belonging to a fraternity offers many advantages. We realize that your first purpose for coming to college is to obtain an education. We also realize that a college education encompasses more than academics and that the ability to deal and live with people is a demand that will be made on you for the rest of your life. As a well rounded man you must merge a solid academic background with intellectual and social maturity, and with confidence in yourself to deal with the problems that will face you in later years. TKE is a very unique fraternity because we provide an environment that will encourage you to strive for academic excellence, while at the same time discovering new social and leadership opportunities in a variety of campus settings. Our fraternity is involved in enhancing scholastic achievement, participating in philanthropy events, hosting social events, developing men into tomorrow's leaders, participating in sporting events, and much more. A fraternity gets you involved, which helps you to develop important skills. It also allows you to develop contacts with other students, and a variety of alumni involved in all areas of the business world. People join organizations for different reasons. Most of our members joined Tau Kappa Epsilon because they enjoyed the events, liked the people they met, and felt that our chapter had the best to offer them at this important time in their life. You will also become part of a larger network of over 300 chapters and 200,000 members as part of the largest fraternity in the world.


What makes TKE different from other fraternities?


Since our founding in 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon has always seen itself as different from other "social" fraternities. This perception has led TKE to become the world's largest international fraternity. Our founders felt that fraternities had degenerated from institutions of scholarly attainment to mere social clubs. Our founders started an organization "whose avowed purpose was to aid college men in mental, moral, and social development," and that is a mission we have not strayed from. Our mission is no different than it was in 1899 and the challenge is no less intimidating. Building better men is what TKE has always been about. For nearly 100 years, Tau Kappa Epsilon has been building better men. Taking young men and building them into young leaders. Leaders who are prepared to face the world complete with a set of values and beliefs that add a distinctive advantage to a man's efforts throughout his life. We have always based our membership "not for wealth, rank, or honor, but for personal worth and character." One only needs to read the DECLRARATION OF PRINCIPLES to understand what Tau Kappa Epsilon stands for.

Do you guys party all the time?

Because Tau Kappa Epsilon is a "social" fraternity many people have taken that to mean simply "partying." Part of becoming a socially mature adult involves interaction with those around you, and TKE holds social events throughout the course of the school year to aid in that development. We are a fraternity that live and grow together, in a close environment. You don't have to belong to a fraternity to party, but the risk you take by mixing people in unfamiliar and uncontrolled environments can be costly. The rumors that you have heard or clips from Animal House simply do not exist within our chapter. We follow specific Risk Management guidelines which are designed to allow everyone to have fun, but without any unfortunate side effects. TKE has created a social fraternity that defines "social" not simply as parties and celebration, but rather one in which celebrations are the rewards for our successes. We hold several dances and formal events which have taken Teke's and their dates from riverboat cruises to formal balls. Each social event we hold optimizes enjoyment and reduces risk.

What do you do for community service? Do I have to do it?

Philanthropy is one activity that TKE has always been heavily involved in. Our national philanthropic organization is the Special Olympics and last year alone TKE contributed more than $50,000 and hundreds of volunteer hours to the organization. We expect each member to do a set number of hours of philanthropic service each year, but most members do much more than that. Raising money and donating hours often involves sporting events, working with children or senior citizens, and sometimes with other fraternities and sororities. Philanthropy events are a great way to meet people, have fun, and provides needed support within the community.

What kind of leadership positions are available to freshmen?

Because new members in Tau Kappa Epsilon do not spend most of their freshman year as new members, as is the case in some other fraternities, and are unable to get involved directly within the chapter, they are able to get a head start on leadership experience. Each year TKE holds Regional Leadership Conferences and the TKE Leadership Academy which are both designed to teach more effective leadership methods. From the very beginning, TKE teaches it members to be leaders and not followers. Typically freshman choose committee chairs to begin their leadership role in the chapter. Because members are always considered on an equal level with all other fraters they are able to jump right into a position that they feel they can succeed the most at. There will also be officer positions that will open up to you as a freshman before your first semester is over. TKE is actively involved in the Interfraternity Council and you will have the chance to obtain a directorship that would begin during your second semester. Why wait a year to begin on your road to success when you can begin today in Tau Kappa Epsilon? College offers you a clean slate in life, so why not get a jump on the competition.

Will the fraternity take up a lot of my time?

Time management means something different when you get to college than it did in high school. You now have so much available time on your hands that you can either use it or waste it. TKE's new member program not only teaches you how to manage that time, but also how to get the most out of every day. As with any organization you will get out of it what you put into it, and the rewards will vary depending on the drive that you have. Each year we have a speaker for the new members to talk about time management in college. Our goal is to make you a better man. The time you spend perfecting that goal will not be taking up time, but will instead be the most important time you've ever spent.

Do you have a test file?

In addition to a large collection of old exams and class syllabi, TKE works through various tutoring programs on campus, sets up studying sessions, sets minimum grade standards, and our Big Brother Program helps new members to adjust to the academic environment.

My parents don't want me to join a fraternity. What if I just didn't tell them?

Sometimes parents believe that fraternity life revolves only around beer, women, and hazing, and unfortunately some fraternities cannot offer much more than that to you. TKE takes a lot of time to keep parents informed about what things will be like in the chapter and how they can make the Teke Experience more rewarding. Some students find this a strange idea at first, but you should talk with your parents about which fraternities you are interested, what kinds of opportunities they have to offer, and what kinds of questions you need to ask of each fraternity. This will definitely show how seriously and responsibly you are making this decision process. If you feel uncomfortable approaching your parents or they have specific concerns, let us know we will be happy to speak with them on any subject.

 What intramural sports do you do?

TKE is actively very involved in intramural sports. We allow every member to play on whatever team whenever they want to without having to wait until there is room for them. Playing sports is a great way to relieve stress and to keep in shape.

What is your brotherhood like?

TKE is unique among fraternities in many respects and one such difference is the importance we place on building brotherhood within the chapter. We have been able to avoid rifts and cliques that often develop between new member classes because our new member program treats every member on an equal basis right from the start. The elimination of pledgeship and hazing within TKE strengthens our brotherhood because resentment and the sense of inferiority is never present. TKE believes that there is no point in a man's life more important than his college years. Growth in a non-hazing and no pledgeship environment will allow him to overcome the challenges he faces with the support from those around him. TKE believes that brotherhood is a journey, not a destination. Brotherhood involves more than just social events and TKE holds monthly brotherhood events like indoor and outdoor sports, retreats, social events, brotherhood nights, and much, much more. Each member has their own definition of brotherhood, but each revolves around the three guiding principles of our fraternity.

"We believe that the essential elements of true brotherhood are love, charity, and esteem; love that binds our hearts with the study cords of fraternal affection; charity, that is impulsive to see the virtues in a brother and slow to reprove his faults; esteem, that is respectful to the honest convictions of others and that refrains from treading upon that which is sacred to spirit and conscience; these are the triple obligations of every brother in the bond."

Our challenge as brothers is to live up to these guiding principles and our strong belief in them has created a strong sense of brotherhood that over 200,000 men just like you have shared since 1899. College is only temporary, but Brotherhood is forever.

How active are you on campus?

Tau Kappa Epsilon is very active on campus throughout the year. We have had members in top leadership positions on campus, as well as within the Greek system itself. TKE builds leaders by giving them the opportunity to get involved and the skills to make them successful. If you've got the desire for success why not join an organization that wrote the book on it.

My dad was a Teke at another school. Do you honor legacies?

TKE is the Fraternity for Life and we take great care when legacies come to our attention. The values and ideals that are passed to every member of TKE insures us that they understand that their sons should be considered "not for wealth, rank, or honor, but for personal worth and character" just the same as every other potential new member. To this measure we consider anyone who wants "the choice to belong" to Tau Kappa Epsilon to be an unbiased process. Legacies will still sit before the Membership Quality Board before a bid to join Tau Kappa Epsilon will be extended. Interviews will be given throughout the year and legacies interested in the chapter should contact us to set up an interview. Alumni members will understand this policy based on our belief that "We maintain that exclusiveness is the direct antithesis of a true fraternity" and we must include any man who wishes to accept "the challenge to become."

I'm worried about my grades. What can your chapter do to help me in school?

The academic success you make in your first few semesters at college will largely limit or expand your future options. It's always easier to maintain a GPA than to raise one. TKE provides academic support from the very start with the Apollo Program, your Big Brother, Chapter and Academic Advisors, Scholarship Chairmen, Chapter Educator, tutoring services, and much more. Along with all the adjustments you'll be making during your first few months at college the last thing you want to worry about is poor academic performance. Academic success is simply opportunity meeting hard work, and TKE will give you that opportunity.

Do you get a lot of support from alumni?

Part of belonging to the Fraternity for Life means continued support even after your undergraduate years are over. We publish an alumni newsletter, hold alumni events, and use alumni contacts to help graduating fraters obtain job interviews. Our Board of Advisors is made up of chapter alumni as well as other fraters who have chosen our chapter as their focal point for alumni support. To be honest, we don't get millions of dollars willed to us for renovations, we don't spend contributions just on parties, and we're not looking for alumni to spend our obstacles away. We have always valued the time and effort that alumni provide more than the money they give. TKE teaches its members that the only price Brotherhood has is dedication. Alumni offer everyone from our newest members to our graduating seniors support in every area from finding a job to recounting how they made the most out of their undergraduate years in TKE. The support that our alumni give every year is immeasurable.

What is the Apollo Project?

The Apollo Project is TKE's innovative and exciting new member education program. TKE alumni and undergraduate mentors will guide you down your "Pathway to Apollo" as you learn more about what it means to be a man...and the challenge that accompanies that responsibility. The TKE mythological ideal, Apollo, has served as an example for over 200,000 Tekes since our founding in 1899. Today more than ever, the TKE Apollo ordeal provides young men with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment of "love, charity, and esteem," the three essential elements of true brotherhood in Tau Kappa Epsilon. The Apollo Man serves as a model and as a guide for you during your TKE undergraduate experience, and throughout your lifetime. It establishes a code of conduct for your behavior and actions; it provides you with an appropriate understanding of your relationship with your fellow man; and with women; it establishes a model of academic excellence, and of physical and mental health. The Apollo Project takes young men and turns them into leaders, and the world of tomorrow will need leaders not followers.

What are your membership standards?

If you are selected to receive an invitation to join our Fraternity, you can do so knowing that our chapter members have applied an extensive set of criteria to your selection, and you'll know that they believe that you have what it takes to live up to our standard. We base certain membership criteria on your past experiences and how you have already turned opportunities into success. If you accept the challenge to become a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon you will be expected to maintain a certain minimum GPA, be involved on campus and within the chapter, perform a few hours per semester of community service, to meet your financial obligations, and to live up to the ideals of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Our biggest standard is the standard of success that over 200,000 since 1899, have lived up to. It is our goal to provide you with the opportunity, assistance, and support that will see you through the most important years of your life, and on to your most successful ones.